
For the Volkswagen Group compliance is: Adherence to legal requirements, internal corporate policies, ethical principles, and self-imposed values for the protection of the company and its brands.


A company can only be sustainably successful if it acts with integrity, complies with statutory provisions worldwide and stands by its voluntary undertakings and ethical principles. Compliance must be second nature to all Group employees.

The group wide Code of Conduct (Our Code) is basis for all decisions taken in the company and offers guidance for ethical conduct. Other publications of the Volkswagen Groupoffer further detailed information and advice.

Compliance also means that each and every speaks up when the status quo appears to be problematic.

Our whistleblower system

More information & downloads

The Volkswagen Group Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct (Our Code) is a common set of guidelines for all employees in the Volkswagen Group. It helps in complying with existing rules and regulations and offers guidance, advice and support in everyday work situations and decision-making. The focus is on the responsibility of each individual employee to comply with the rules of ethical conduct.

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Code of Conduct for Business Partners

The Code of Conduct for Business Partners makes clear which standards apply for business partners of the Volkswagen Group.

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Anti-Corruption at Volkswagen

There is no place for corruption and bribery at Volkswagen! This is firmly anchored in the Group’s Code of Conduct (Our Code). You can find further information in the Guideline Anti-Corruption below.

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The Volkswagen Group Whistleblower System

The Volkswagen whistleblower system is responsible for reports on serious regulatory violations and violations of the law by Group employees. We also value information about possible serious regulatory violations on the basis of concrete evidence from business partners, customers and other third parties.

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The human rights

Volkswagen Group Services GmbH is fully committed to its corporate responsibility to respect human rights. Our commitment is based on the UN Guiding Principles for “Economy and Human Rights”, which refer in particular to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the ILO core labour standards.

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